Friday, April 27, 2018

13 Dangerous Bedtime Habits You Should Avoid

Having trouble sleeping lately? There’s probably a logical reason why. From sleeping beside a glowing laptop screen, to sleeping in way too much on the weekends, here are 12 bedtime habits that are ruining your sleep:

1. Keeping up a sporadic sleep schedule

Your body responds to routine, so if your bedtime is all over the map, your mind won’t be prepared to snooze at the right time. Try setting a consistent schedule that will keep you on track.

2. Having a full bladder

Most people drink a glass of water before bedtime, but this practice could actually be keeping you up at night. You might have to get up one or two times during the night to run to the bathroom. Instead, stop drinking an hour or two before you plan to go to bed.

3. Facebooking into the late hours of the night

Your computer monitor actually stimulates the brain because it’s so bright. Avoid late-at-night surfing and give yourself time to wind down without electronics. You’ll find that after a while, it will be easier to fall asleep in bed.

4. Bringing a book to bed

If you’ve spent the last decade reading a book before bed, your body has adapted to that routine. So if you try to catch some shut-eye without reading, you’ll probably run into some troubles. Try weaning yourself off this habit and try reading earlier at night. Most importantly, do not read in bed.

5. Setting a bright alarm clock

A bright alarm clock is just as bad as a bright computer screen. Try to keep your room as dark as possible and use a clock with a dimmer or no glowing numbers at all.

6. Sleeping on a bad mattress

A good mattress helps you get a restful sleep without feeling lumps and bumps digging into your back, plus some even have moisture wicking properties to keep you comfortable all night long. Consider a higher-quality mattress to be money well spent.

7. Going to bed on a full stomach

When you go to bed on a full stomach, your body hasn’t had time to digest. This means that your body will be working overtime to start digestion and will keep you up later. It’s recommended to stop eating at least two hours before bedtime.

8. Exercising late at night

Runner’s high isn’t just a myth. It keeps you energized for hours. Try exercising at least three hours before bedtime so that you won’t be too jazzed up to fall asleep.

9. Cold feet


Yes, your cold feet are probably keeping you up late at night. No, not your fear of commitment! Your actual cold feet. Grab a pair of socks and maybe a heating pad to help improve circulation and help lull you to sleep.

10. Not keeping up a bedtime routine

Did you know you can actually signal to your body that it’s bedtime? Start a routine of going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, and washing your face, and in no time, your body will clue in and get prepped for bedtime.

11. Drinking a nighttime cappuccino

Caffeine is a stimulant that accelerates your heart beat and can prevent you from sleeping for up to four hours after your cup of Joe. Switch to decaf if you absolutely can’t resist your evening coffee, but it’s recommended to stop drinking it at least four hours before bedtime.

12. Counting sheep

When you can’t sleep, it’s pretty much useless to stay in bed. If you’ve been trying for more than 30 minutes, don’t resort to counting sheep. Instead, the National Sleep Foundation recommends hopping out of bed and doing something mundane like balancing a checkbook.

13. Sleeping Position

Do you ever find yourself waking up with a soreness in your back, shoulders, or neck? You could be sleeping in a position that’s detrimental to your well-being. They say the best position is the “Sleeping Beauty” position on your side, not sleeping on your back or stomach. The other positions wreck the curve of your spine and could even cause snoring. The “Sleeping Beauty” position is said to be the most natural position for your spine.

The post 13 Dangerous Bedtime Habits You Should Avoid appeared first on Sarcasm.

Source: Sarcasm


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