Monday, December 4, 2017
15 Beautiful Girls Who Got Roasted On Reddit Real Bad
Reddit, also popularly known as the front page of the internet, is indeed a home for some of the most intelligent boys and girls. However, when stupid people enter their area, there is a very high probability of them getting roasted real bad.
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1. The classic insult for making people realize how they are mean as a person. Well, there are a lot of quotes regarding the inner beauty every person adorns. Well, here is an awesome instance of one of such beautiful girls being roasted on Reddit.
2. Well, you know you are not doing too bad in life when all reRedditsers can find to roast about you is your fingers.
3. She looks like one of those typical receptionists from a hospital enquiry desk.
4. This girl is absolutely gorgeous. There is no questioning to that. However, I still am not sure whether Pornhub has channels. Well, but that is none of my concern.
5. ”
6. Wasn’t that pretty obvious? Also, her cover has some weird bump at the top which is making me extremely uncomfortable.
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7. Not sure whether there is makeup on her face or a face on her makeup.
8. At least she has got some real roasters on Reddit.
9. Oops, so one just got warzoned.
10. She should really consider seaing her forehead in a mirror.
11. Those eyebrows are bigger than a 50-lane highway. Also, just because Cara Delevingne can do it doesn’t mean you can.
12. T!ts out for Harambe.
13. Girl, you literally asked for it. Also, even if you would not have specified it, that nose would have grabbed the attention of everyone on the planet. The comment you received is still very subtle. I was expecting something much worse.
14. Life is extremely unfair. At least, life should have given her bigger lemons. However, life treats you like you treat other people. If you have a bad attitude towards them, you must not expect bigger lemons. She must be extremely bad at being a guard.
15. A teeny tiny assemblage of bamboo trees in the forest of roastland.
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Link : 15 Beautiful Girls Who Got Roasted On Reddit Real Bad
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