Monday, November 13, 2017
This Artist Have Been Doodling On Random People On Snapchat And It’s Amusing
An artist does really need a canvas to pain something amusing. His imagination serves as the paint brush and the world, his very own canvas. The way these artists create something out of nothing is what makes them so different. Here is one such person who has been doodling on random people in Snapchat. This is what he says about his art form, “I`m Geeohsnap the Snapchat Artist and Creator who`s on a creative mission to make you smile every single day. In 2014 I started doodling on Unsuspecting Random People in Snapchat and today I make a fulltime living doing it. I never ask the people when I take the sneaky Snapshots. In that way, I have to force myself to be creative with the random shot I get. An image that looks boring suddenly gets a whole new meaning and story with the doodles! If I can make you smile that one time just for a second, I feel that I have done something good with my creativity. That one small smile every day can actually change people.”
More info: Instagram
Read More: 15 Types Of People You Need To Block On Snapchat Immediately
This artist is doodling on random people on Snapchat and the images are awesome!
1. Just by this one picture in Snapchat, I can say this artist is a genius.
2. Random people with such big ice cream. Well, everyone has his own taste.
3. This artist can actually come up with a Snapchat doodling animation movie.
4. Aw! This is so cute. These random people are literally lucky.
5. I can totally imagine what will happen next.
6. That’s not the Roadrunner, you fool. This artist deserves more recognition.
7. Random people can do any random work, even stunts.
8. Here comes the Unicorn Man of the Snapchat world.
9. I would literally love to watch this artist doodling these pictures.
10. Monster Inc., I guess you have left a monster.
11. How does this guy even come up with such ideas?
12. This must Yogi bear’s long lost brother, I can bet on that.
13. Now I want to watch 101 dalmatians all over again.
14. Or maybe you bought the wrong bear?
15. Yes, yes, take this doodling seriously. Save the Arctic.
16. Angry bird, Snapchat version. I would love to play this.
17. Here is a leaked image of the Lion King reboot.
18. I always say cats are evil, this artist proved it.
19. Captain Unicorn is my favorite superhero now. These random people can become anyone.
20.The name is Batman. And I am sorry for Superman.
21. That’s not where the Dolphin belongs, you idiot.
21. How can he help you? He is already wearing the cap.
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Link : This Artist Have Been Doodling On Random People On Snapchat And It’s Amusing
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