Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sheep, Autumn

9:37 AM By

“Sheep, Autumn”, was painted by a Dutch artist whose name was Anton Maure. A weary white-haired farmer is returning home from the hills where he has been watching his flock of sheep. In his right arm he has a baby lamb.

He holds a crooked stick in his left arm. Running along beside the shepherd is a brave helpful dog. The tired lambs trudge along behind because they can’t keep up with the others. I think this picture is very interesting because it shows a shepherd in Holland.

Jack Edwards

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Edgar Small The heroes of this story by Mark Twain are Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Tome and Huck were treasure hunting. They decided to try the haunted house first. Upon entering they crept upstairs to explore. They went into a closet which promised mystery. But the promise was a fraud -- ther was nothin in it. The wer about to go down stairs when ---- “Sh ! ---

There !---Hear it?” “Yes!---Oh, my ! Let’s run!” “Keep still! Don’t budge they’re coming toward the door.” The boys stretched themselves upon the floor with their eyes glued to knot-holes in the planking, and lay waiting in misery and fear for the worst to happen. If you would like to know the outcome of this incident read, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, by Mark Twain.

- Edgar Small


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